Hi! I'm Don.

I'm a software engineer specializing in iOS development.

About Me

I’m a software developer working on Workday's iOS app. I reside in the San Francisco bay area (but am actually down in SoCal temporarily due to COVID-19). I currently focus on iOS development and have been loving it because of the opportunity to positively impact the mobile end user experience. Reach out to me if you have any burning questions or if you'd like to chat!

  • 2014 - 2018

    Undergrad at UC San Diego

    For college, I went to UC San Diego (UCSD), where I majored in Computer Science. Alongside taking a breadth of classes at UCSD, I tutored data structures to fellow undergraduates within the Computer Science department and led discussions as a head tutor.

  • 2017

    Android & Web Development at Metron

    At Metron, I built a weather crowd-sourcing app that exploits an Android phone's native sensors (such as built-in thermometers, barometers, and GPS sensors) to report weather data to a remote database. The app supports bluetooth connectivity to pull environmental data from external weather sensors as well as the capability for user-inputed data points. Since the organization was fairly small, I worked on both the frontend and backend of both the Android and Web application with the guidance of an engineering mentor and a project manager.

  • 2018 - Now

    iOS Development at Workday

    At Workday, I work on the Workday iOS app, building out new features and contributing to core libraries. In scrum sized teams, I collaborate with other engineers to enhance and redesign major features including Employee Benefits and Worker Payslips. Currently, I'm refactoring the authentication flows within our mobile app to make the code area more maintainable and extensible for other developers.


Below are some of the projects that I have worked on within the last few years.

Soccer Game Tracker

A Progressive Web App to track the status of community soccer games. The app was built in native Javascript, CSS, and HTML as a prototype to conform to RAIL performance standards.



An Android meet up app whose goal is to connect users who are interested in engaging in outdoor activities with other users who share the same interest.


A Simple Ray Tracer

A program built in C++ that parses a scene file of camera, 3D geometry, and light information to produce an image of a scene.
